In place to facilitate persons In place to facilitate persons
whose circumstances do not lend whose circumstances do not lend
to telephone or even online to telephone or even online
ordering and the following supermarkets have made special provision to accommodate those persons effective tomorrow, they will be able to go to Chanel’s Troy Mart Popular Mister Carter, one more question. left to join if you wanna ask you a question first, it’s just gonna be very quick based on the shopping that you listed gas stations for So there’s no reason for us to So there’s no reason for us to
retest them at this point and I retest them at this point and I
know there’s lots of talk of know there’s lots of talk of
their about the possibility of their about the possibility of
reinfected and there is no reinfected and there is no
current international guidance, current international guidance,
which suggests that at this which suggests that at this
point, I think there’s there’s point, I think there’s there’s
no need for them to retest it no need for them to retest it
and there’s there’s there’s no and there’s there’s there’s no
need or or any international need or or any international
data, which suggests clearly data, which suggests clearly
wolf at the CDC WHO and any of wolf at the CDC WHO and any of
the other international the other international
organizations. we suggest this organizations. we suggest this
at this point the the at this point the the
individual. As we know and individual. As we know and
despite are quite well and it despite are quite well and it
was as I mentioned before, I’m was as I mentioned before, I’m
happy to say that one of the happy to say that one of the
the the individuals who’ve been the the individuals who’ve been
released a few one of the released a few one of the
females of her husband at this females of her husband at this
point, as has one negative test point, as has one negative test
and we hope to rejoin them and we hope to rejoin them
together as Winston he negative together as Winston he negative
today. Doctor is this. Is this year old still mild? Oh Is this year old still mild? Oh
yes, Oh this time of year and yes, Oh this time of year and
that the seven years still mile that the seven years still mile
quite happily at home at this quite happily at home at this
point in isolation. From some people on Facebook as From some people on Facebook as
to how the Ministry then treat to how the Ministry then treat
those bodies, those persons who those bodies, those persons who
have passed. Oh okay. So this have passed. Oh okay. So this
this strict international this strict international
guidelines is good. so good guidelines is good. so good
question again and wanna question again and wanna
imagine that would be nice and imagine that would be nice and
the the world have audiences the the world have audiences
spelled out quite clearly what spelled out quite clearly what
needs to be done with these needs to be done with these
bodies so they handled in the bodies so they handled in the
same way as any normal body was same way as any normal body was
the same normal personal the same normal personal
protective equipment, the only protective equipment, the only
advice, which is given which advice, which is given which
has been been be spoken to. For has been been be spoken to. For
external parties who will deal external parties who will deal
with them is that we do not with them is that we do not
recommend environment of of the recommend environment of of the
bodies otherwise all the bodies otherwise all the
parameters for which one will parameters for which one will
deal with all the personal deal with all the personal
protective equipment will be protective equipment will be
the same. There’s no specific the same. There’s no specific
extra guidance, which is extra guidance, which is
required at this point, peace required at this point, peace
out we’ll have based on the out we’ll have based on the
World Health Organization. World Health Organization.
where we at this time having where we at this time having
enough PPE for the front line enough PPE for the front line
workers. Oh yes, there’s enough workers. Oh yes, there’s enough
person. Of equipment for the person. Of equipment for the
friendly workers and it will friendly workers and it will
tell you on a daily basis that tell you on a daily basis that
the stocks of them are the stocks of them are
increasing. They are some increasing. They are some
personal protective equipment personal protective equipment
which are specific like where which are specific like where
we talk about the end 90 – five we talk about the end 90 – five
Mass. I always make the point Mass. I always make the point
to say that there’s nothing in to say that there’s nothing in
life such as one size fits all life such as one size fits all
and their challenges with with and their challenges with with
a few of those virgins. Not in a few of those virgins. Not in
Barbados. This is an Barbados. This is an
international issue when we we international issue when we we
recognize that this is gonna be recognize that this is gonna be
a problem as a high amount of a problem as a high amount of
purchase drop the country purchase drop the country
certainly by Of all of the certainly by Of all of the
personal protective equipment personal protective equipment
that we had in island, there that we had in island, there
are some challenges with some are some challenges with some
virgins of the Mass, but I will virgins of the Mass, but I will
I will tell you that for those I will tell you that for those
individuals who have those individuals who have those
challenges were able to Mass challenges were able to Mass
fit most of them and find a fit most of them and find a
virgin and not a virgin of the virgin and not a virgin of the
Mass that can fit them but at Mass that can fit them but at
this point we have no this point we have no
challenges with our significant challenges with our significant
challenges with personal challenges with personal
protective equipment and on a protective equipment and on a
day-to-day basis, we continue day-to-day basis, we continue
to get supplies from our to get supplies from our
partners from international partners from international
governments of Chinese, for governments of Chinese, for
example of being being very, example of being being very,
very gracious and providing us very gracious and providing us
with some. Extra personal with some. Extra personal
protective equipment as the protective equipment as the
Minister of Health has said in Minister of Health has said in
his previous presentation, his previous presentation,
thank you. Thank you for. I’m thank you. Thank you for. I’m
not sure I ever spoke to it, not sure I ever spoke to it,
but it’s testing free for but it’s testing free for
birdie. I didn’t get the birdie. I didn’t get the
question. could you repeat that question. could you repeat that
it’s testing free for it’s testing free for
barbequed? Oh yes. Oh. yes. for barbequed? Oh yes. Oh. yes. for
sure protesting is free for sure protesting is free for
barbequed. This is free for barbequed. This is free for
anyone who presents with signs anyone who presents with signs
and symptoms of the disease. It and symptoms of the disease. It
becomes important to test like becomes important to test like
I said before to find those I said before to find those
index cases, Thank you. Next question is for the acting Next question is for the acting
Prime Minister has any Prime Minister has any
consideration been given to consideration been given to
reopen and fish markets. the reopen and fish markets. the
Fisher folk have been Fisher folk have been
concerned, especially with the concerned, especially with the
Easter weekend approaching have Easter weekend approaching have
you given any consideration to you given any consideration to
that? Yeah, I think good that? Yeah, I think good
question. I think we we’ve question. I think we we’ve
looked at the arrangements that looked at the arrangements that
can be put in place in relation can be put in place in relation
to the fish markets. But as you to the fish markets. But as you
appreciate, we’re trying to appreciate, we’re trying to
prevent the issues of person’s prevent the issues of person’s
gathering in large numbers gathering in large numbers
which is why we we’ve been which is why we we’ve been
speaking to the disciple speaking to the disciple
markets and trying to ensure markets and trying to ensure
that the necessary supplies can that the necessary supplies can
be obviously allocated vote for be obviously allocated vote for
the online. Deliveries as well the online. Deliveries as well
as you know being able to call as you know being able to call
in for shopping to do curbside in for shopping to do curbside
pickup as well, but those pickup as well, but those
arrangements will be looked at arrangements will be looked at
and if any necessary updates and if any necessary updates
are necessary, We will are necessary, We will
certainly speak to those in the certainly speak to those in the
fullness of time. I just wanted fullness of time. I just wanted
to say as well that I think to say as well that I think
that what you’ve heard from that what you’ve heard from
Doctor Ford is obviously freely Doctor Ford is obviously freely
comprehensive in terms of the comprehensive in terms of the
steps that we’ve been taking steps that we’ve been taking
over the course of the last few over the course of the last few
weeks, and I’m certainly trying weeks, and I’m certainly trying
to prepare ourselves for all of to prepare ourselves for all of
the eventualities that might the eventualities that might
raise from Covid- 19 when we raise from Covid- 19 when we
think about The Barbados think about The Barbados
obviously it has a large home obviously it has a large home
porting base. you know we could porting base. you know we could
do no better in terms of not do no better in terms of not
being able to provide for being able to provide for
persons still to be able to persons still to be able to
come in, but also a persons to come in, but also a persons to
get out. I think it’s fair to get out. I think it’s fair to
say as well that we had a lot say as well that we had a lot
of students who are on island of students who are on island
who needed to get back home and who needed to get back home and
we had to keep our borders open we had to keep our borders open
in old quarter for those in old quarter for those
persons to be allowed to exit persons to be allowed to exit
with that. It means that flakes with that. It means that flakes
have to come in and those have to come in and those
flights may come in with flights may come in with
passengers to make it worth passengers to make it worth
well for them. but it also well for them. but it also
means. The persons who were means. The persons who were
here needed to be transported here needed to be transported
safely from the ports of entry safely from the ports of entry
the cruise ports in order to be the cruise ports in order to be
able to leave Barbados safely able to leave Barbados safely
to get back to their their home to get back to their their home
country. again, I I just want country. again, I I just want
to reiterate. We’ve done all to reiterate. We’ve done all
that we can all that has been that we can all that has been
possible. I must say thank you possible. I must say thank you
to the various private to the various private
individuals and companies who individuals and companies who
have reached out who have have reached out who have
facilitated us getting the facilitated us getting the
necessary to plays on those necessary to plays on those
flights that were still coming flights that were still coming
in. they’ve continued to make in. they’ve continued to make
a. With us to be able to get a. With us to be able to get
additional supplies into the additional supplies into the
country because I think as you country because I think as you
know there, there are some know there, there are some
restrictions in terms of what restrictions in terms of what
we can get in at this point in we can get in at this point in
time, and truth be told no one time, and truth be told no one
of our cruise ships had even of our cruise ships had even
offered because of the offered because of the
generosity of Barbados in generosity of Barbados in
facilitating not only testing facilitating not only testing
by getting individuals out of by getting individuals out of
Barbados, they graciously Barbados, they graciously
donated two ventilators two donated two ventilators two
Barbados as well, so while it Barbados as well, so while it
may appear to some that we have may appear to some that we have
been loose in our arrangements been loose in our arrangements
at the same time they have at the same time they have
also. Been significant benefits also. Been significant benefits
to the country by being able to to the country by being able to
you know facilitate those you know facilitate those
persons who needed to get back persons who needed to get back
out of Barbados as well. I out of Barbados as well. I
think it would be also fair to think it would be also fair to
say we had students who many of say we had students who many of
them wanted to come home. We them wanted to come home. We
are mindful that if persons are mindful that if persons
were left in some of these were left in some of these
territories because of Holy territories because of Holy
health care systems are health care systems are
currently structured, many of currently structured, many of
them would not have been able them would not have been able
to access the necessary health to access the necessary health
care without in particular the care without in particular the
United States they would not United States they would not
have been able to access the have been able to access the
necessary health care without necessary health care without
obviously the adequate obviously the adequate
resources. And I can speak to resources. And I can speak to
that from a personal that from a personal
perspective as well. So if you perspective as well. So if you
don’t have money, sometimes don’t have money, sometimes
you’re not able to get their you’re not able to get their
direct was a cure. We therefore direct was a cure. We therefore
meant that all of these meant that all of these
considerations had to be taken considerations had to be taken
into account in making our into account in making our
decisions in terms of closing decisions in terms of closing
or borders because we needed to or borders because we needed to
facilitate those persons as facilitate those persons as
well being able to come back well being able to come back
into the country Prime Minister into the country Prime Minister
Prime Minister you didn’t ask Prime Minister you didn’t ask
any questions about people’s any questions about people’s
offices next to the police offices next to the police
officers. it’s arrangements officers. it’s arrangements
will continue in place for will continue in place for
persons can be able to. have persons can be able to. have
the the checks facilitated and the the checks facilitated and
we will make further we will make further
announcements in the course of announcements in the course of
the week, as I said, this the week, as I said, this
situation is a fluid one but at situation is a fluid one but at
all times, we’re trying to just all times, we’re trying to just
maintain the physical distance maintain the physical distance
and protocols as much as and protocols as much as
possible. so many wonderful 14 possible. so many wonderful 14
there are still in quarantine. there are still in quarantine.
Barbells wasn’t on that LS Barbells wasn’t on that LS
doctor Best or the desire sorry doctor Best or the desire sorry
to be able to just provide an to be able to just provide an
update on on that situation. Thank you Prime Minister I’m Thank you Prime Minister I’m
not able to provide a specific not able to provide a specific
update on where the Trinidadian update on where the Trinidadian
are. I know that they have are. I know that they have
completed their period of completed their period of
correcting and therefore, as I correcting and therefore, as I
said the responsibility in said the responsibility in
relation to public health relation to public health
prevention has been exercise prevention has been exercise
none of those persons have none of those persons have
tested positive while they have tested positive while they have
been in quarantine and been in quarantine and
therefore they would have been therefore they would have been
discharged from quarantine as discharged from quarantine as
of I believe yesterday. I of I believe yesterday. I
understand that some understand that some
arrangements are being made for arrangements are being made for
their repatriation, but those their repatriation, but those
arrangements would not. arrangements would not.
Necessarily be arrangements Necessarily be arrangements
made by the government of made by the government of
Barbados because they are Barbados because they are
private citizens that citizens private citizens that citizens
of Trinidad and Tobago and of Trinidad and Tobago and
those arrangements will be made those arrangements will be made
between themselves and the between themselves and the
government and whatever carrier government and whatever carrier
is available to take them home. is available to take them home.
But mister Carter did you say But mister Carter did you say
they were tested were told they were tested were told
before that they would not be before that they would not be
tested unless they became tested unless they became
symptomatic there. There will symptomatic there. There will
be no requirement from the be no requirement from the
government of Barbados to test government of Barbados to test
them on unless they became them on unless they became
symptomatic. So there’s no symptomatic. So there’s no
requirement from the government requirement from the government
of Barbados if. Government of of Barbados if. Government of
Trinidad wants them tested Trinidad wants them tested
before the leaf Barbados then before the leaf Barbados then
that can be facilitated that can be facilitated
obviously, but we have asked if obviously, but we have asked if
that is required that the that is required that the
appropriate number of test gets appropriate number of test gets
be made available to us to be made available to us to
facilitate that mister Carter I facilitate that mister Carter I
before you leave mister Carter before you leave mister Carter
I just wanted to get tired from I just wanted to get tired from
either from you or the acting either from you or the acting
Prime Minister bearing in mind Prime Minister bearing in mind
that the curfew was changed to that the curfew was changed to
20 – four -hour capacity on 20 – four -hour capacity on
Friday, the is the expiration Friday, the is the expiration
still the fourteenth, or is it still the fourteenth, or is it
now the seventeenth of this now the seventeenth of this
month the date of expiration of month the date of expiration of
the curfew remains as has been the curfew remains as has been
announced. I believe it is announced. I believe it is
midnight on the fourteenth of midnight on the fourteenth of
April. However, we have said April. However, we have said
consistently that if the consistently that if the
situation warrants it, there is situation warrants it, there is
provision for a further provision for a further
extension. Obviously, that is extension. Obviously, that is
something that we hope we will something that we hope we will
not have to do we understand not have to do we understand
that their restrictions have that their restrictions have
been uncomfortable for. many barbarians ah we many barbarians ah we
understand that it is caused understand that it is caused
this location as the prime this location as the prime
minister said but we will only minister said but we will only
make the adjustment to the day make the adjustment to the day
the current date or make an the current date or make an
extension if the situation extension if the situation
warrants it that is currently warrants it that is currently
and continuously being and continuously being
evaluated by the healthy evaluated by the healthy
emergency operation centre from emergency operation centre from
which the government of which the government of
Barbados is continue to take Barbados is continue to take
his guidance and direction his guidance and direction
those are the public health those are the public health
professionals through those are professionals through those are
the ones who are best place the the ones who are best place the
determine That are not what we determine That are not what we
are seeing in terms of are seeing in terms of
depressant station of cases is depressant station of cases is
consistent with what we expect consistent with what we expect
at the end of the day. I have a at the end of the day. I have a
question as it relates to question as it relates to
bottled gas. I know that the bottled gas. I know that the
gas stations are open for top gas stations are open for top
ups and and the pumps, but what ups and and the pumps, but what
about bottled gas and the Prime about bottled gas and the Prime
Minister acting Prime Minister Minister acting Prime Minister
they bought a gas is still they bought a gas is still
being facilitated. I think one being facilitated. I think one
of the concerns that we had of the concerns that we had
expressed in the last couple of expressed in the last couple of
days was that person’s were days was that person’s were
hoarding they bought a gas and hoarding they bought a gas and
as a consequence that they as a consequence that they
believed in Minister would have believed in Minister would have
spoken to that issue and spoken to that issue and
appealed to Barbadian really to appealed to Barbadian really to
you know desist from that you know desist from that
practice because it really was practice because it really was
preventing purse. Who genuinely preventing purse. Who genuinely
needed to access bottled gas needed to access bottled gas
from being able to purchase from being able to purchase
such Prime Minister of Canada such Prime Minister of Canada
just to follow up on that, I just to follow up on that, I
know that if you look on know that if you look on
Facebook, a number of persons Facebook, a number of persons
were complaining about the fact were complaining about the fact
that the price of gasoline has that the price of gasoline has
gone up in the last 20 – four gone up in the last 20 – four
hours if they really hours if they really
consideration being given to to consideration being given to to
relax that and receive relax that and receive
reduction, probably the price reduction, probably the price
of gasoline even for the period of gasoline even for the period
that we are considering for the that we are considering for the
40 days. Well, I think it’s 40 days. Well, I think it’s
important for the record for important for the record for
for persons to appreciate for persons to appreciate
That those prices. Are dealt That those prices. Are dealt
with prior to this issue in with prior to this issue in
other ways, those prices are other ways, those prices are
fixed before the items arrived fixed before the items arrived
here so as a consequence, I here so as a consequence, I
guess we can have a review of guess we can have a review of
the situation, but I think that the situation, but I think that
you need to bear in mind that you need to bear in mind that
we haven’t fixed the prices to we haven’t fixed the prices to
carry them up right now. In carry them up right now. In
this current environment, they this current environment, they
would have been fixed would have been fixed
previously and unnecessary previously and unnecessary
announcement would obviously announcement would obviously
have been made at the time have been made at the time
based on what would have been based on what would have been
negotiated previously. in negotiated previously. in
concert. For reveal I’m not concert. For reveal I’m not
sure if I heard your answer sure if I heard your answer
that yes, we we again. I’ve that yes, we we again. I’ve
said it repeatedly that we said it repeatedly that we
continue to review this continue to review this
situation day by day the situation day by day the
dynamics of the situation dynamics of the situation
continue to change and we continue to change and we
continue to respond based on continue to respond based on
the concerns that have been the concerns that have been
expressed by the general expressed by the general
public, but I just want you public, but I just want you
that you understand that it that you understand that it
wasn’t a situation where we wasn’t a situation where we
announced an increase in the announced an increase in the
current climate, it was really current climate, it was really
that these prices are actually that these prices are actually
fixed prayer to this situation fixed prayer to this situation
and the announcement would have and the announcement would have
come as it would generally come as it would generally
have. In the course of you know have. In the course of you know
us being able to receive the us being able to receive the
petrol okay, honestly practice petrol okay, honestly practice
on a couple of the Caribbean on a couple of the Caribbean
countries have actually countries have actually
extended perfumes. we actually extended perfumes. we actually
instituted we are seven days instituted we are seven days
one week away from the end of a one week away from the end of a
few how soon will government be few how soon will government be
actually reviewing if we will actually reviewing if we will
extend our review or or just extend our review or or just
relaxing, it’s fair to say that relaxing, it’s fair to say that
we’re reviewing every day I we’re reviewing every day I
keep repeating the dynamics keep repeating the dynamics
continue to change. the figures continue to change. the figures
continue to change we are still continue to change we are still
on track in terms of what would on track in terms of what would
have been predicted in terms of have been predicted in terms of
where we would be. but again we where we would be. but again we
are gated by the medical health are gated by the medical health
professionals in terms of professionals in terms of
changing the dynamics of the changing the dynamics of the
curfew at the stage, and I curfew at the stage, and I
believe early next week, we believe early next week, we
will make the announcement in will make the announcement in
relation to whether that advice relation to whether that advice
is said to us that we continue is said to us that we continue
or whether we relax the curfew or whether we relax the curfew
in any way, but I just to in any way, but I just to
assure you that we’ve had the assure you that we’ve had the
preliminary discussions with preliminary discussions with
the private sector and various the private sector and various
partners and stakeholders. With partners and stakeholders. With
a view to looking at other a view to looking at other
mechanisms that may have to be mechanisms that may have to be
put in place if we have to put in place if we have to
extend because we’re not extend because we’re not
waiting until that advice comes waiting until that advice comes
we’ve been looking at all of we’ve been looking at all of
the other countries across the the other countries across the
world the other islands in the world the other islands in the
Caribbean to look at how Caribbean to look at how
they’ve been handling to they they’ve been handling to they
look at how their people have look at how their people have
responded to a number of the responded to a number of the
measures and also looking at measures and also looking at
what barbequed can handle at what barbequed can handle at
this stage. But all of that is this stage. But all of that is
balanced first and foremost by balanced first and foremost by
public health concerns. What public health concerns. What
consideration is being given to consideration is being given to
extending the Easter can with extending the Easter can with
regards to school delaying the regards to school delaying the
restart of school. Well, I restart of school. Well, I
think that announcement will think that announcement will
come when we determine what is come when we determine what is
happening in relation to the happening in relation to the
curfew. we set a curfew curfew. we set a curfew
continues until the fourteenth continues until the fourteenth
obviously classes would were obviously classes would were
due to also resume shortly and due to also resume shortly and
I think that all of that will I think that all of that will
be made available to you in the be made available to you in the
fullness of time in relation to fullness of time in relation to
how we handle these measures, I how we handle these measures, I
think just yesterday, I think think just yesterday, I think
Trinidad would have extended Trinidad would have extended
their curfew. I know Jamaica is their curfew. I know Jamaica is
also reviewing theirs. Other also reviewing theirs. Other
islands are having to make islands are having to make
decisions based on the. And I decisions based on the. And I
think you would all appreciate think you would all appreciate
an immediate Albert British an immediate Albert British
appreciate that we are also appreciate that we are also
gated by a number of factors, gated by a number of factors,
but most importantly, public but most importantly, public
health concerns if Barbados health concerns if Barbados
adhere to the issues of adhere to the issues of
practical physical distance in practical physical distance in
as we have been constantly as we have been constantly
reiterating I believe we can reiterating I believe we can
contain this situation if contain this situation if
Barbarians look hope for the Barbarians look hope for the
elderly ensure that that elderly ensure that that
category, which we always speak category, which we always speak
to that as we have one of the to that as we have one of the
largest elderly populations largest elderly populations
across Barbados, if we look out across Barbados, if we look out
for those persons and we ensure for those persons and we ensure
that we are protecting. Them that we are protecting. Them
and making sure that their and making sure that their
contact with the public is contact with the public is
limited if Barbados adhere to limited if Barbados adhere to
the the practices of washing the the practices of washing
their hands and ensuring that their hands and ensuring that
there’s good hygiene and if there’s good hygiene and if
they pay attention to the they pay attention to the
advice that they wasn’t just advice that they wasn’t just
stay at home if they suspect stay at home if they suspect
that they may have any of the that they may have any of the
symptoms, but they call the symptoms, but they call the
quote hot lane and they’ve seen quote hot lane and they’ve seen
unnecessary attention. I unnecessary attention. I
believe that we can arrest the believe that we can arrest the
situation as quickly as situation as quickly as
possible, but it does relay on possible, but it does relay on
the people of Barbados to the people of Barbados to
listen to what we’ve been listen to what we’ve been
seeing because we’re acting seeing because we’re acting
only in the bag. Interest of only in the bag. Interest of
barbequed across the board, barbequed across the board,
mister a couple of days ago of mister a couple of days ago of
I think it was last week or I think it was last week or
early the week before Prime early the week before Prime
Minister Motley encourage Minister Motley encourage
landlords in our country not to landlords in our country not to
be heavy handed with the way be heavy handed with the way
they treat their tenants and they treat their tenants and
subsequent to that we’ve had subsequent to that we’ve had
more than one occasion where more than one occasion where
persons have been for yourself persons have been for yourself
a better work but evicted a better work but evicted
basically what is your take on basically what is your take on
that in particular on what that in particular on what
government can do going forward government can do going forward
to make it. More to strengthen to make it. More to strengthen
anymore, Well, I I like you anymore, Well, I I like you
share the same concerns I’ve share the same concerns I’ve
heard of persons being evicted heard of persons being evicted
I’ve had to do my own I’ve had to do my own
interventions as well to appeal interventions as well to appeal
to the good sense of landlords to the good sense of landlords
to be able to recognize that at to be able to recognize that at
this time, there has to be some this time, there has to be some
leniency Prime Minister Marley leniency Prime Minister Marley
has spoken to it on several has spoken to it on several
occasions. I appeal again to occasions. I appeal again to
barbequed means who are barbequed means who are
landlords to really pay landlords to really pay
attention to what is happening attention to what is happening
in the the society government in the the society government
has taken the steps immediately has taken the steps immediately
we. we.
nothing nothing arose to ensure that nothing arose to ensure that
they don’t have access to water they don’t have access to water
ah were able to have the ah were able to have the
connections put back on and we’ve been working to on and we’ve been working to
ensure that everyone has access to water as much as possible I had situations were landlords home sort to even keep the water supply off and we had to do the