Temperature check and consent form 2–3 people working in parallel Gloves, facemask if >6 feet away from person being tested2
  • Instruct the individual to sanitize hands and offer a facemask or cloth face covering (if not already wearing one and there are no contraindications)
  • Check and record temperature on interview form or electronic record
  • Add date, location, and other details to interview form
  • Hand consent and interview form to participant
Registration, consent form, and test kit labeling 2–3 teams of 2 people (registrar and labeler); roles can be combined if fewer staff and/or individuals to be tested Gloves, facemask if >6 feet away from person being tested2
  • Collect signed consent forms
  • Enter first and last name (with spelling), date of birth, and contact phone number or email address onto documents and/or electronic record
  • Write date, first and last name, date of birth, specimen type (e.g., NP, NS, OP) on label
  • Attach sticker label to the specimen collection vial
  • Hand bag with specimen vial to participant and direct participant to interview station
  • Clean and disinfect clipboards and pens between participants
Interview and symptom screening 5-6 people Gloves, facemask if >6 feet away from person being tested2
  • Complete the form or electronic record with the participant following the script
  • Keep the form and direct the participant to testing station
  • Clean and disinfect participant side of table following each interview
Guide 1–2 people Gloves, facemask if >6 feet away from person being tested2 Help direct participants between stations Floater 1 person Gloves, facemask if >6 feet away from person being tested2 Troubleshoot issues that arise for any of the stations Testing 2-3 teams of 3 people each Bagger 3 people Gloves, facemask if >6 feet away from person being tested2
  • Stand just outside the testing station.
  • Receive bag with vial from participant; verify name and date of birth.
  • Remove specimen transport bag and hand vial and swab to snipper.
  • After specimen has been collected, hold specimen transport bag open for snipper to drop vial into the bag, ensuring the vial touches only the inside of the bag.
  • Holding the outside of the bag, double check that the vial is closed tightly
  • Seal the bag, removing as much excess air as possible

• Store vial and bag in cooler with frozen ice packs

  • Note: Specimens should be transferred from small coolers to refrigeration unit frequently to maintain temperature control
Swabber 3 people Gown, respirator,3 eye protection,4 gloves
(after every participant, remove gloves, sanitize hands, and apply new gloves)
  • Hand tissue to participant and instruct them to blow their nose and deposit in biohazard (red) waste
  • Provide instructions and explain testing procedure
  • Take swab from snipper and collect specimen
  • Insert swab with specimen into vial
  • Instruct participant to sanitize hands and check out
Snipper 3 people
(if using a breakable swab, then 2-person teams are sufficient, i.e., combine snipper and swabber roles) Gown, respirator,3 eye protection,4 gloves
(after every 4-5 participants, remove gloves, sanitize hands, and apply new gloves)
  • Take vial and swab from bagger and hand swab to swabber.
  • Cut swab after specimen has been collected
  • Replace the vial lid and ensure lid is sealed tightly
  • Drop vial into specimen transport bag held open by bagger
  • Clean scissors with alcohol wipe, leave scissor blades open to air dry
  • Clean space between tests
Specimen transporter 1 person (can be combined with floater if fewer staff and/or individuals to be tested) Gloves, facemask if >6 feet away from person being tested2
  • Periodic collection of bagged specimens from testing stations to on-site refrigeration if available or larger cooler. Temperature control should be monitored.
Check out 1-2 people Gloves, facemask if >6 feet away from person being tested2
  • Provide instructions on follow-up and how to get results

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