Demographic data are currently collected by the jurisdiction and reported to CDC. Not all states and territories report to CDC demographic data on vaccine recipients; the laws in each state or territory dictate whether the state can collect or report demographic data. For more information on vaccine distribution and administration demographic data, see Demographic Characteristics of Persons Vaccinated During the First Month of the COVID-19 Vaccination Program — United States, December 14, 2020–January 14, 2021.
Multiple Sources
The demographic data include people vaccinated through all parts of the program, including those vaccinated through pharmacies, the Federal Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care (LTC) Program, and federal entities.
Missing Data
The demographic data reported have varying degrees of missing data and are not generalizable to the entire population of individuals with COVID-19 vaccination. Missing data may be influenced by:
- inconsistent collection of race and ethnicity information at the time of vaccination,
- differences in jurisdictional electronic data programs,
- as well as some jurisdictional policies or laws that do not allow demographic data to be reported.
Emergency Use Authorization and Age
Emergency Use Authorization has been granted for use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine among people aged 16 and older and for use of both the Moderna vaccine and the Johnson and Johnson Janssen vaccine among people aged 18 and older. Therefore, vaccine use is limited among those under age 18.
Timing of Updates
Data will be updated as soon as they are reviewed and verified, often before 8:00 pm ET each day. However, daily updates may take longer if there are any delays in data reporting.
- Data on doses of vaccine administered included data received by CDC as of 6:00 am ET on the day of reporting.
- Vaccination data on the CDC COVID Data Tracker are updated daily (including weekends) between 1:30 pm and 8:00 pm ET.
- Updates will occur the following day when reporting coincides with a federal holiday.