When he was alive, there was no helicopter or even just a Corolla nangu ka Vitz to move him with the Covid-19 Samples. He was duty bound in one of the most respected ministry in the entire world which looks at the wellbeing of human health.
He died in a public bus with the samples and today they get a helicopter to carry him in a coffin….so typical of human beings-They will watch you suffer without food and clothing, yet they have the opportunity and ability to help you when you are alive but when you die, they will show their abilities on your dead body and think its worth it!
Ian’s body was carried in a chopper without the samples and very safe…..CRAZY RIGHT? This is the World we live in!
Well, no matter what you do with his body, whether you put it in a presidential motorcade or helicopter, doesn’t change anything, a young man is already gone and if only people were responsible enough couldn’t have been in that way maybe.