CDC is tracking vaccine distribution and administration
CDC is using both new and existing information technology (IT) systems to collect reliable, rapid data about COVID-19 vaccines.
CDC reports COVID-19 vaccine doses delivered and doses administered in the United States publicly through the COVID Data Tracker: COVID-19 Vaccinations in the United States. CDC also reports data on COVID-19 vaccination in long-term care facilities. Because reporting data from multiple sources can cause duplicate entries that need to be checked and removed before CDC reports the data, data shown on CDC’s COVID Data Tracker data may not always match data reported by local jurisdictions.
CDC, other federal agencies, vaccination providers, state, local, and territorial public health departments, and tribal health facilities across the country use vaccine distribution and administration data to inform decisions about COVID-19 vaccination. COVID-19 Vaccination Reporting Overview provides an overarching view of the IT systems and how they integrate to track COVID-19 vaccine distribution and administration.
There are some factors that can cause delays in the vaccine journey and even delay the information submitted to the CDC COVID Data Tracker. These could include:
- Technical issues delaying timely reporting
- Vaccines needing to be redistributed within a jurisdiction, which could mean a longer time between initial distribution and administration
- Jurisdictions having multiple data systems at the local and state levels
- Providers not reporting vaccine administrations within the required 72-hour period
Much of the difference in the number of doses delivered and doses administered is expected. There always has to be sufficient supply available to clinics, pharmacies, and other vaccination provider sites to effectively run their vaccination programs, including making sure vaccine is available for people when they return for their second dose. CDC continues to work with jurisdictions and our other partners to ensure that vaccine is administered in the most efficient and effective way possible.