Soon the communities you serve will have access to vaccines to help protect against COVID-19. CDC has designed a toolkit to help community-based organizations (CBOs) educate communities about this important new prevention tool.
Who is this toolkit for?
This toolkit is designed for staff of organizations serving communities affected by COVID-19. These CBOs could include social service organizations, faith-based organizations, YMCAs/YWCAs, fraternities, school organizations (e.g., PTAs/PTOs), meal delivery services, senior centers, and others.
What is the purpose of this toolkit?
This toolkit will help your organization educate community members about COVID-19 vaccines, raise awareness about the benefits of vaccination, and address common questions and concerns.
What is in the toolkit?
The toolkit contains a variety of resources that you can use virtually or in person (with proper COVID-19 safety precautions):
- Introductory letter word icon[26 KB]: Send this letter to encourage your branches, chapters, or affiliates to review and use the toolkit materials.
- Key messages pdf icon[86 KB, 1 page]: Use these key messages about COVID-19 vaccine to educate your communities.
- Frequently Asked Questions: Use these to help answer questions about COVID-19 vaccine in your workplace.
- Slide deck ppt icon[9 MB]: These basic slides about COVID-19 vaccines are for virtual town halls or other informational meetings within your communities. You can use all or part of the set or also include your own organization’s information.
- Posters/flyers: These posters/flyers encourage and support community members in their decision to get vaccinated. You can print and post them in your buildings and other community locations.
- Poster 1 pdf icon[906 KB, 1 page]
- Poster 2 pdf icon[530 KB, 1 page]
- Poster 3 pdf icon[616 KB, 1 page]
- Poster 4 pdf icon[621 KB, 1 page]
- Poster 5 pdf icon[634 KB, 1 Page]
- Poster 6 pdf icon[349 KB, 1 Page]
- Poster 7 pdf icon[718 KB, 1 Page]
- Poster 8 pdf icon[323 KB, 1 Page]
- Poster 9 pdf icon[527 KB, 1 Page]
- Poster 10 pdf icon[528 KB, 1 Page]
- Poster 11 pdf icon[897 KB, 1 Page]
- Poster 12 pdf icon[521 KB, 1 Page]
- Poster 13 pdf icon[606 KB, 1 Page]
- Facts about COVID–19 vaccines pdf icon[137 KB, 2 pages]: This plain language fact sheet is available in several languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Russian, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
- Newsletter content word icon[25 KB]: This short newsletter-style blurb can be widely distributed to share information on COVID-19 vaccines.
- Letter to members word icon[24 KB]: Customize this letter about COVID-19 vaccination to send to your members.
- Social media content word icon[37 KB]: These messages and images are for use on various social media channels that your organization uses, including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can use them as-is with the hashtag #SleeveUp or include your own identity.
How can I get started?
- Adapt the key messages to the language, tone, and format that will resonate with your community. YOU know what works in your community.
- Use these key messages to customize the template letter and send or email it to your community members to introduce your COVID-19 vaccine educational activities.
- Print copies of the posters and FAQs and use them as handouts.
- Organize a COVID-19 vaccine presentation for your community members and promote it via digital and community communication channels. If your community has internet access, organize a virtual presentation. If it does not, organize an in-person presentation following COVID-19 safety precautions. Ask if your local health department can provide a speaker if you do not have a health educator on staff. Distribute copies of the FAQs.
- Hang posters in highly visible places in your community.
- Continue to educate your community via articles, blog posts, and social media posts.
- Invite community members to wear stickers once they have been vaccinated and post vaccination selfies on social media.
If you are not already working with your local health department, you should consider reaching out for assistance. The health department’s immunization program can help coordinate vaccination clinics, provide speakers for presentations, and offer other types of expertise.
Can I put my organization’s logo on these materials?
- You can put your organization’s logo on materials that have a “Your Logo Here” square, but you should leave the CDC URL (www.cdc.gov) on those materials.
Will this toolkit be expanded?
Yes, CDC will continue to add more materials to this toolkit. Please check back frequently for updates.