Press Statement
2 December 2020

Delivery approach confirmed for new multi-sports facility

Last week, Executive Council approved a draft agreement to transfer the design and delivery of a new multi-sports facility to the National Sports Council (NSC), subject to final approval of plans at the end of the concept design stage. This follows earlier scoping work, engagement with local sporting bodies and a public consultation to determine which activities people would like to see provided at the facility, which will be based on the former rugby pitch off Bypass Road.

Under this agreement, NSC will be responsible for the development and agreement of the scope, designs and costs of the new facility. The government will be able to provide an improved range of sporting activities across both sites for the benefit of the local community. £3m of capital funding has already been approved by the Falkland Islands Government for the new facility.

MLA Stacy Bragger, Portfolio Lead for Sports, said: “This is a very pragmatic way of moving forward with our plans to improve sports and leisure facilities and increase involvement and participation. The NSC represents the wider sporting community and, as such, are perfectly placed to engage with a wide range of organisations, groups and individuals throughout the development of the design. I am confident that this approach will lead to a facility that is purpose-built to provide sporting opportunities for the community. After a difficult year, where all aspects of people’s lifestyles have been affected by the pandemic, it’s good to end 2020 on a positive note.”

Mike Summers, Chair of the Falkland Islands National Sports Council, said: “This is a very important project to the sports community, and will when completed provide substantial additional facilities to a number of sports, helping to relieve the sometimes overwhelming pressure on SLC for space and bookings. It is a major undertaking for the NSC, and it is a significant challenge to deliver the anticipated content within the allocated budget.

The NSC aims to increase participation and activity levels within all sectors of the community, of all ages and improving the participation rates of females in sports activities. The contribution of physical activity to overall fitness is very important to good health, and providing suitable and sufficient facilities is a key to keeping people active. We look forward to working with the Government to achieve a successful outcome.”

The draft agreement will now be finalised between the government and NSC, and a timetable will be developed for the next stages of the project.

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