A new CDC study finds mRNA COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of infection by 91%, adding to the growing body of real-world evidence of their effectiveness. Because no vaccine is 100% effective, some people who are fully* vaccinated will get COVID-19. This study is among the first to show secondary vaccination benefits for people who got infected after they were fully or partially** vaccinated. Benefits included:

-Fewer sick days in bed
-Less likely to have fever or chills
-May be less likely to spread the virus to others
Learn more: https://bit.ly/3gb6BEW.

*Full vaccination was defined in this study as 14 or more days after dose 2.
**Partial vaccination was defined as 14 or more days after dose 1 to 13 days after dose 2.

CDC, profile pictureMay be an image of one or more people and text that says 'CORONAVIRUS DISEASE 2019 I COVID-19| Effectiveness and Secondary Benefits of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines A new CDC study shows mRNA COVID-19 vaccines reduce risk of infection by 91% Fewer sick days Other benefits for people who were fully1 or partially2 vaccinated and still got COVID-19 include bed Less likely have fever chills May be less likely spread virus others Everyone 12 years and older is now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination Get tvaccinated as soon as you can. vaccines.gov CDC vaccination accinaton 14 t/7 cdc.gov/coronavirus'
