Contract firm or temporary help agency employees
For workers employed by contract firms or temporary help agencies, the staffing agency and the host employer are joint employers. Both are responsible for providing and maintaining a safe work environment. The responsibilities the staffing agency and the host employer have can be different, depending on the workplace conditions, and should be described in their contract. (Protecting Temporary Workers pdf icon[484kb, 6 pages]).
Independent contractors
Discuss your vaccination options with management at your work site. To learn what is available at the work site where you are an independent contractor, ask the work site manager if they are making vaccination available to independent contractors. To learn about other options, contact your local health department or your personal healthcare provider.
Employees that work off-site or at job sites that are not affiliated with my employer
Discuss your vaccination options with your employer. To learn about other options, contact your local health department or your personal healthcare provider.
Employees that work rotating shifts or an alternative work schedule
Discuss your vaccination options with your employer to find out if your employer is offering on-site vaccination. If no on-site vaccination is available, you may be able to receive your vaccination at your personal healthcare provider’s office, a pharmacy, your local health department, or vaccination sites set up by your state or local government or local health systems. To learn about other options, contact your local health department or your personal healthcare provider.