The Afghan Ministry of Public Health announced on Wednesday that 259 new coronavirus cases were reported in Afghanistan in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 5,226.

In the past 24 hours, 259 out of 619 tests came back positive, according to the Health Ministry.

The new cases have been reported in Kabul (27), Balkh (49), Nangarhar (23), Takhar (25), Kandahar (29), Herat (22), Nimruz (3), Badghis (8), Logar (6), Laghman (1), Wardak (6), Helmand (2), Bamiyan (2), Ghor (1), Farah (2), Baghlan (6), Kunduz (3), Jawzjan (7), Panjshir (5), Faryab (4), Parwan (10), Zabul (3), Kunar (10) and Daikundi (5).

Five people have died in the past 24 hours, bringing the known national death toll to 132.

The total number of recoveries is 648.

So far 18,724 people have been tested in the country.

The number of deaths from COVID-19 globally is more than 291,981, and 4,262,799 have been infected with the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University.

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